Urgent weight loss in 2 days

Those who have already tried a large number of different methods of urgent weight loss, argue that it is quite possible to lose weight in two days. Of course, you will not lose 10 kilograms or more. But improving the figure and losing 2-3 kilograms is very real.

So how do you lose weight in 2 days? There are many recommendations and tips. Basically, unloading days and a combination of a certain diet with exercise are offered. Here are some proven options. Regardless of which technique is chosen, keep in mind that it is better to choose a weekend for such experiments. In this case, the process of losing weight will be comfortable, and it is much easier to follow the rules at home than at work.

General rules

Apple on the fast weight loss diet

For a 2-day weight loss, the most stringent diets are used most often. Basically, they aim to achieve a negligible, but almost instantaneous result. Download right away and you won't get much. Think logically: all that fat you've diligently accumulated over the years can't be gone in a couple of days. But undermining health by fasting longer without proper preparation or mono diets is easy.

To shed a couple of extra pounds and reduce your waistline, you must adhere to several important rules:

  • eat a diet of low-calorie foods;
  • significantly reduce portion sizes;
  • eat fractionally (5-7 times a day);
  • leave the sugar and salt;
  • drink at least 2 liters of clean water every day;
  • Don't drink alcoholic beverages.

If you follow all of the above, you will be able to say goodbye to about 2-3 kilograms. But you won't be fat at all. Weight loss in this case is due to the fact that the body naturally frees itself from excess fluid, and the intestines are emptied in a timely manner. That is, how much was left in the toilet, so much weight and fell.

We will give some more practical tips on how to lose weight in two days. At this time, if possible, stop cooking yourself. Make sure you don't see the food at all. Strictly adhere to the rules and avoid interruptions.

Diet correction

Only a couple of days left, but do you need to lose weight and improve your figure at least a little? You can use one of the proven express methods. If you don't make mistakes, the result will not be long in coming.

Hungry days

How to lose weight quickly in 2 days? In the presence of iron willpower and stoic stamina, a starvation diet would be the optimal solution. Its only ingredients are plain water and green tea. All the first and second day you will have to sit down to drink unsweetened green tea and clean water (you can drink mineral water, only without gas). Do you feel like you're going to pass out from hunger now? Eat an apple or a cucumber.

Important nuances: as soon as you wake up, you should immediately drink a glass of water. After 30 minutes, a fragrant green tea can be brewed. You need to stop drinking fluids a couple of hours before going to bed.

This diet will help you lose up to 5 kilograms and eliminate bloating. However, those suffering from kidney disease should definitely consult with their doctor.

On kefir

Rapid weight loss with a kefir diet

The kefir diet is recognized as an equally effective method of losing weight. It is much easier to transfer than water tea. After all, kefir has the ability to saturate and to some extent satisfy hunger. In one day, you will need to drink a liter of this low-fat fermented milk drink. In addition, it is allowed to consume green tea and drink plain water simultaneously.

If you are satisfied with a 2-3 kg plumb bob in 2 days, this method will suit you perfectly.

A gentler type of such a diet is apple kefir.The essence of this method of losing weight is that kefir can be supplemented with several sweet apples per day. But if they only feed your hunger, drop them and replace them with some other low calorie fruit.

Model Tips

It is no secret that a model should always be slim. But what to do, for example, after the holidays, when it weighs more and on the nose: photo shoots and fashion shows? We urgently need to restore form. Here is the diet menu of a model who wants to lose weight quickly:

  • Breakfast: boiled egg and unsweetened tea (black or green).
  • Lunch is the same as breakfast.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese (100 g) and unsweetened tea.

It is forbidden to exchange these foods with each other. It is also not allowed to accumulate calories. In the intervals between breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you should drink water. Remember its volume, about 2 liters. To prevent the lost weight from returning, you should repeat this diet every month.


The cabbage method for weight loss is also very popular. In 2 days, you will have to eat a shredded white cabbage. You cannot add oil and salt to it. Don't forget to drink water. A great advantage of this method is the almost total absence of hunger.

Cottage cheese is also a good remedy for urgent weight loss. You will need to consume around 200-250 grams of this low-fat product per day. True, not all at once, but distribute the entire volume for 3-4 meals. The protein contained in cottage cheese will relieve you of excess fluid and a low calorie diet will help you burn fat at least a little.

In order to maintain the achievement obtained through diet, you must carefully monitor your diet and prefer products that are exceptionally healthy for your health.

2-day diets

If the diet involves the presence of several foods in the diet, be aware that it may be less effective.

2-day monkey diet menu

Mono-diets are the most effective for urgent weight loss. Experienced slimmers are highly praised:

  • Apple;
  • kefir
  • cucumber;
  • rice;
  • buckwheat.

Despite the fact that such an unloading helps to lose a couple of kilograms in the shortest possible time, the weight can return just as quickly.All the blame is a new return to the old diet. And yet resorting to mono diets is often undesirable. Overuse of these weight loss methods causes serious health problems.

In squirrels

For each day, you need to allocate from 0. 5 to 0. 8 kg of protein food. It is better to have boiled chicken or beef. Optional fish. Allowed the use of carbohydrates (no more than 20 g per day). They must be represented by vegetables or cereals. Any fat is completely excluded from the diet. Besides water, it is allowed to drink coffee or tea.

This mono-diet is very satisfying and tasty. However, it has its own contraindications. Those who suffer from constipation or liver and kidney disease should not sit on it. If you really want to, go for a consultation with your doctor.

The plumb bob in 2 days is 1 to 2 kilograms.


Do you need to reduce not only the weight, but also the volume of the abdomen? Try to survive for 2 days with a few drinks:

  • On the first day, we use non-nutritive fluids, clean running water, mineral water, coffee and tea.
  • The second day: we add freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, cocoa and kefir.

Remember that it is forbidden to drink more than 2 cups of tea or coffee in a day. A large amount of caffeine that enters the body adversely affects the nervous system. Do not forget also that you cannot drink coffee on an empty stomach, as the vitamin B will no longer be absorbed, thus the metabolism will slow down.

The plummet of this diet is 2 to 3 kilograms.

And finally

Whichever method of urgent weight loss you choose, to get the most out of it it is advisable to combine it with active physical exercise and sports activities. An alternative option is night walks on the street. Only a complex of several measures will help you get closer to the desired result.

Once again, we emphasize that the weight lost through the fast diet program is easily regained. And only with the help of a competent way out of the diet, you can preserve the slimness of the body for a long time.